Privacy policy for Oxford Innovation Ltd


We want you, or the entity you are authorised to represent (“you”, or “your”) to visit our website knowing that you have control over your personal data. Your right to privacy and data security is a primary concern and we will take all reasonable measures to protect your information while it is in our care.

We respect and value the privacy of everyone who visits this website, and will only collect and use personal data in ways that are described here, and in a manner that is consistent with Our obligations and your rights under the law.

This policy explains the data processing practices of By submitting identifying data when using the website, you are agreeing to our use of such data as described in this privacy policy. Should you have questions concerning your personal information or any questions on our use of the information, feel free to direct these to

Information About Us

Our site is owned by Oxford Innovation Services Ltd, a limited company registered in England under company number 07860991, whose registered address is

Oxford Innovation Services Ltd, Oxford Centre for Innovation, New Road, Oxford. OX1 1BY.

Delivering services as Oxford Innovation Services Ltd

Our VAT number is 844286704.

Our Data Protection Officer, and can be contacted by email at, by telephone on 01865 261480, or by post at Oxford Innovation Services Ltd, Oxford Centre for Innovation, New Road, Oxford. OX1 1BY

What does this policy cover?

This Privacy Policy applies only to your use of our site. Our site may contain links to other websites. Please note that we have no control over how your data is collected, stored, or used by other websites and we advise you to check the privacy policies of any such websites before providing any data to them.

What personal data do we collect

Depending upon your use of our site, we may collect some or all the following personal [and non-personal] data (please also see section our use of Cookies)

  • Personal identification such as name and date of birth.
  • Contact information such as email addresses and telephone numbers;
  • Demographic information such as post code
  • Online identification such as IP address;
  • About your company/business

How do we use your data?

All personal data is processed and stored securely, for no longer than is necessary in light of the reason(s) for which it was first collected. We will comply with our obligations and safeguard your rights under GDPR at all times.

Our use of your personal data will always have a lawful basis, either because it is necessary for our performance of a contract with you, because you have consented to our use of your personal data (e.g. by subscribing to emails), or because it is in our legitimate interests. Specifically,

We may use your data for the following purposes:

  • Providing and managing your Account;
  • Providing and managing your access to our site;
  • Supplying our services to you (please note that we require your personal data in order to enter into a contract with you);
  • Personalising and tailoring our services for you;
  • Replying to emails from you;
  • Supplying you with emails that you have opted into (you may unsubscribe or opt-out at any time by email or clicking the unsubscribe link in any email we send.
  • Market research;
  • Analysing your use of Our Site [and gathering feedback] to enable us to continually improve our site and your user experience;

With your permission and/or where permitted by law, we may also use your data for marketing purposes which may include contacting you by email AND/OR telephone AND/OR text message AND/OR post with information, news and offers on Our services. We will not, however, send you any unsolicited marketing or spam and will take all reasonable steps to ensure that we fully protect your rights and comply with Our obligations under the GDPR and the Privacy and Electronic Communications (EC Directive) Regulations 2003.

You have the right to withdraw your consent to us using your personal data at any time, and to request that we delete it.

How long do we keep your personal data?

We do not keep your personal data for any longer than is necessary in light of the reason(s) for which it was first collected. Data will therefore be retained for the following periods (or its retention will be determined on the following bases):

  • General enquiries – completion of enquiry plus 6 months.
  • Projects – specifically defined for each project and held within the processing activity record
  • Suppliers (non-project) –as per current legislation (7yrs)

How and where we store your data

We only keep your personal data for as long as we need to in order to use it as described above in section 6, and/or for as long as we have your permission to keep it.

Data security is very important to us, and to protect your data we have taken suitable measures to safeguard and secure data collected through our site.

Do we share your data?

We never share your data with third party marketing companies.

We may share your data with other companies in our group for to offer beneficial services. This includes Oxford Innovation Services AND/OR [Our holding company and its subsidiaries].

We may sometimes contract with third parties to supply services to you on our behalf. These may include payment processing, search engine facilities, advertising, and marketing. In some cases, the third parties may require access to some or all of your data. Where any of your data is required for such a purpose, we will take all reasonable steps to ensure that your data will be handled safely, securely, and in accordance with your rights, our obligations, and the obligations of the third party under the law.

We may compile statistics about the use of Our Site including data on traffic, usage patterns, user numbers, sales, and other information. All such data will be anonymised and will not include any personally identifying data, or any pseudonymised data that can be combined with other data and used to identify you. We may from time to time share such data with third parties such as prospective investors, affiliates, partners, and advertisers. Data will only be shared with your consent and used within the bounds of the law.

We may sometimes use third party data processors that are located] outside of the European Economic Area (“the EEA”) (The EEA consists of all EU member states, plus Norway, Iceland, and Liechtenstein). Where We transfer any personal data outside the EEA, we will take all reasonable steps to ensure that your data is treated as safely and securely as it would be within the UK and under the GDPR including:

Third Party Measures in place
Eventbrite Privacy Shield
Mailchimp Monitored by TRUSTe, and certified compliance with the EU-U.S./Swiss-U.S. Privacy Shield Frameworks.

In certain circumstances, we may be legally required to share certain data held by us, which may include your personal data, for example, where we are involved in legal proceedings, where we are complying with legal requirements, a court order, or a governmental authority.

What Happens If Our Business Changes Hands?

We may, from time to time, expand or reduce Our business and this may involve the sale and/or the transfer of control of all or part of Our business. Any personal data that you have provided will, where it is relevant to any part of Our business that is being transferred, be transferred along with that part and the new owner or newly controlling party will, under the terms of this Privacy Policy, be permitted to use that data only for the same purposes for which it was originally collected by Us.

In the event that any of your data is to be transferred in such a manner, you will be contacted in advance and informed of the changes. When contacted you will be given the choice to have your data deleted or withheld from the new owner or controller.

How Can You Control Your Data?

You have the right to ask for a copy of any of your personal data held by us (where such data is held) Under the GDPR. Any reasonable request is free of charge and we will provide any and all information we hold. Please contact us for more details at

Your Right to Withhold Information

You may access certain areas of our site without providing any data at all. For certain services provided by us, you may be asked for your contact details. You may restrict Our use of Cookies. For more information, see Our Use of Cookies section.

Your right to be forgotten

We only hold the minimum amount of personal data required for our processing and for a limited amount of time. However, you have the right to request that we remove or delete your personal data from our processing. Please contact Us for more details at, or using the contact details below in Contact Us section

How Can You Access Your Data?

You have the right to ask for a copy of any of your personal data held by us (where such data is held). Under the GDPR, no fee is payable and we will provide any and all information in response to your request free of charge.

Please contact Us for more details at,

Tap into our insights

Oxford Innovation Advice offers Insights into SME needs and policy effectiveness for policy makers, funders and business support commissioners. It draws on our 30 years’ experience of delivering positive economic growth by enabling scale-ups to achieve their full potential. Each edition concludes with an ‘Implications for funders and Policy makers’ section.

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Covid-19 Statement

Update – Wednesday 15th December 2021

Our Innovation Centres remain operational and accessible, and provide a safe environment for our staff and customers. We continue to assess the risk of COVID-19 alongside the latest guidance from government. In the meantime our Innovation Centre remains COVID-19 Secure and fully open for business. Our detailed risk assessment can be found here.